Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Thorny nest at Oregon Ridge

Here are a couple pictures of a cool birds nest I found with eggs in it. It was about 6ft up in a shrub, surrounded by multiflora rose. The outer structure is made of dead multiflora twigs (with thorns), and the inner layer is primarily dried grasses and moss. The nest is 8-10 inches wide and about as tall. The eggs are sky blue with a slight hint of green and gray-brown speckles. The parents scolded me viciously.

Can you tell what bird made it?

Hint: This bird often sings late at night, and its not a Robin.




Flaire said...

a mockingbird sings at night, lives in bushes, and has eggs like those. i don't know if they have a penchant for thorny nesting materials.

how was Oregon Ridge?

Matt Bukowski said...

Oregon Ridge was awesome...we're going to put on a full post about it soon, but Bill and I have been in NJ teaching since then, and won't be back until next week, after the Baltimore Bowmen event, which is this weekend.